Leather Jacket by Kyle’Lyk, Long sleeve knit top by Suss Knits, Pants by Rick Owens, 424 Boots


Photography Ken Medilo @kenmedilophoto

Stylist & Producer Adrian Joseph @Adridekilla

Model: Isaiah Jordan – @isaiahhardin_ at @imdinc

Makeup: Sarah Hill – Patrick Santa Ana Agency

Leather Jacket by Kyle’Lyk, Long sleeve knit top by Suss Knits, Pants by Rick Owens, 424 Boots


Full look by Kyle’ Lyk, Gloves by Theo Ocial


Shirt by Ioedle.bum, Suit by Kyle’Lyk


Trench by Kyle’Lyk, Long sleeve Knit top by Suss Knits, Pants by Rick Owens, 424 Boots


Black and white knitted Full look by Suss Knits


Bee Suit Jacket and Pants by Andre Emery